Now showing items 1-9 of 9
Review of Helen Creighton: Canada’s First Lady of Folklore, by Clary Croft (Halifax, NS: Nimbus, 1999)
(Canadian Folk Music/Bulletin de musique folklorique canadienne, 2004)
Canada and the Far East in 1939
(Ottawa, Canadian Committee for the History of the Second World War, 1996, 1996)
Consuming sustainability : critical social analyses of ecological change / edited by Debra J. Davidson, Kierstin C. Hatt, and the Northern Critical Scholars Collective.
(Organic Roots Collective. Fernwood Press, 2005)
Downloading Doppelgängers: New Media Anxieties and Transnational Ironies in Battlestar Galactica
(SFFTV, Liverpool University Press, 2009)
This essay reads the re-made Battlestar Galactica series—-a 21st-century Frankenstein—-according to the Canadian contexts of its production and the globalized contexts of its distribution, both formal (on cable TV) and ...
Frankenstein as a figure of globalization in Canada’s postcolonial popular culture
(Routledge/Taylor & Francis, 2011-10)
This essay analyzes the cultural functions of Frankenstein as a figure of globalization in postcolonial popular culture. Focusing on the case of Canadian film production, I begin by contextualizing Canadian film as a ...
A Close Reading of Part 5 of Robert Kroetsch’s 1977 long poem SEED CATALOGUE
(The Explicator, 2017)
A close reading of Part 5 of Robert Kroetsch's 1977 long poem Seed Catalogue
The Medium Is the Monster: Canadian Adaptations of Frankenstein and the Discourse of Technology
(Athabasca University Press, 2018)
Technology, a word that emerged historically first to denote the study of any art or technique, has come, in modernity, to describe advanced machines, industrial systems, and media. McCutcheon argues that it is Mary Shelley’s ...
Stephen Harper as killer robot
(English Studies in Canada, 2017)
In popular culture and public discourse, especially on the Internet, the image of Canada’s former Prime Minister Stephen Harper is conspicuously characterized and caricatured as robotic [...] Amidst popular culture’s hordes ...
List of Recommendations and Strategies for a Balanced Approach to Supporting Academic Integrity
Maintaining academic integrity is a growing concern for higher education, increasingly
so due to the pivot to remote learning in 2020 caused by the COVID-19 pandemic.
We canvassed students, faculty, and tutors at an ...