Now showing items 261-280 of 925

    • Child Labour in Alberta; Incidence and Regulation 

      Barnetson, Bob (2011-03-30)
      Significant numbers of children (9-11) and adolescents (12-14) in Alberta are employed. Many of these children and adolescents work in prohibited occupations and/or face violations of minimum statutory requirements for ...
    • Capitalizing the Beauties: Cultural Institutions, Tourism and Art in Alberta 

      Wall, Karen (2011-03-30)
      Avant-garde art movements, extension education programs and public museums all have histories of attempting to dissolve institutional barriers, both literal and otherwise, between the arts and humanities and everyday life. ...
    • Food Prices in South Africa: Why Most People Can't Afford to Eat a Healthy Diet 

      Temple, Norman J. (2011-03-30)
      Foods with a high content of fat, sugar, and refined cereals are typically cheap but are poor in nutrients and heavy with calories.  By contrast, such foods as fish, vegetables, and fruit are richer in nutrients but are ...
    • "Selfish, Foolish, and Crazed: Imagining the Female Shopper in Modernizing Canada" 

      Belisle, Donica (2011-03-29)
      Shopping became a major Canadian pastime between the late 19 the  century and World War II.  During the same period, stereotypes of female shoppers as vain, greedy, and impressionable came to assume prominent roles within ...
    • Epistemology and Ideology: The Case of Mediation 

      Zariski, Archie (2011-03-29)
      Mediation, once an "alternative" process, has gone mainstream. Most courts in North America now include it as part of normal litigation procedure. In the United States there is even fear that mediation will lead to the ...
    • Animated Pedagogical Agents & Immersive Worlds: Two Worlds Colliding 

      Heller, Bob; Procter, Mike (2011-03-29)
      Animated Pedagogical Agents (APAs) can be defined as animated computer-generated characters that respond to user input, adapt to user behaviour, and facilitate learning in a computer based learning environment. The benefits ...
    • Boreal Fends & Plants: Conservation from an Ecoregional Perspective. 

      Locky, David A. (2011-03-29)
      Ecoregions are large areas of land and water that contain a geographically distinct assemblage of natural communities. They are increasingly being used as a framework for conservation planning across the globe. Within a ...
    • Evaluating La Francophone: Myths and Realities 

      Tirven-Gadum, Vina (2011-03-29)
      "At the moment, French seems to be engaged in a losing battle against American English in the world. To fight this trend, a multinational group of some 44 authors who write in French, have proposed, in a manifesto/, /the ...
    • Social Networking and Political Activism: The Great Canadian Copyright Fight - Over or Not? 

      Smith, Jay (2011-03-29)
      In 2007 and 2008 there was a hard fought campaign against proposed changes to the Canadian Copyright Act, changes which would have privileged producers and owners of copyright over users. Particularly notable about the ...
    • The Mining Songs of British Columbia: Exploring the P.J. Thomas Collection 

      Gregory, David; Gregory, Rosaleen (2011-03-29)
      Phil Thomas, who sadly passed away two years ago, was the foremost folksong collector in British Columbia. His collection is unfortunately not very well known outside his native province but it includes a wealth of items ...
    • Adventures in Building an Online Digital Collection: The Alberta Women's Institutes Project 

      Ellerman, Evelyn (2011-03-29)
      "This talk will address the inception and design of a new AU digital collection that focuses on self-representation in organizational histories. Our subject is the Alberta Women's Institutes, which celebrates its 100th ...
    • Peak Oil: An Ongoing Case Study in Unsuccessful Avoidance Behaviour 

      Grant, Lyle (2011-03-29)
      Peak oil is the point at which oil production reaches a maximum value and thereafter declines. Because of the dependence of industrialized society on oil, peak oil may be one of the most important, possibly cataclysmic, ...
    • If you Are What You Eat, Souldn't you Know What Is Inside That Package and Where It Comes From? 

      Smythe, Elizabeth (2011-03-29)
      This presentation examines national and international political struggles over food labeling, food scares, concerns about climate change and sustainable food production have increased public concern about food regulations ...
    • Making Equitable Education in Rural China through Distance Education 

      McQuaide, Shiling (2011-03-29)
      China has made great strides toward universalizing basic education in rural areas over the past two decades, yet wide urban-rural and East-West disparities in schooling access and quality not only remain, but are growing. ...
    • Northern Lights with Five Satellites 

      Connors, Martin (2011-03-29)
      Athabasca's contribution to studying the science of the Northern Lights started nearly 10 years ago with precision measurement of their magnetic fields. We now measure that effect in a number of places in North America ...
    • Reimagining Globalization: An Unfamiliar Narrative? 

      Shrivastava, Meenal (2011-03-29)
      As an idea or concept, globalization finds expression in the rhetoric and rationale for social and political action almost everywhere. However, the ebb and flow of this debate has ranged from declaring the 'End of History' ...
    • Transboundary Conservation: Citizens, Security, and Cross Border Collaboration 

      Stefanick, Lorna (2011-03-29)
      This talk examines the evolution of transboundary conservation initiatives; specifically, initiatives in the Rocky Mountains of southern Alberta and northern Montana. This is the home of the world's first Peace Park, the ...
    • Back Roads 

      Ferguson, Ted (2011-03-29)
      Athabasca University and NeWest Press are hosting Ted Ferguson, national journalist and author of the newly released autobiographical adventure, Back Roads, set in the woods somewhere near Athabasca. Hear about the Ferguson ...
    • Information Needs of Men and Their Partners about Prostate Surgery 

      Vandall-Walker, Virginia (2011-03-29)
      Prostate cancer is the single greatest cancer threat facing Canadian men, affecting one in eight men with a mortality rate of one in 27. Over 22,300 Canadian men were newly diagnosed in 2007, compared with 12,000 newly ...
    • Gurus, Globalization, and Hinduism 

      Saha, Shandip (2011-03-29)
      This talk will focus on the pivotal role that Hindu spiritual leaders (gurus) have play in spreading Hinduism beyond the borders of South Asia by outlining the reasons for their movements overseas and the means by which ...

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