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dc.contributor.authorRoseland, Mark
dc.descriptionThese literature reviews will not only provide the members of each SERC with a basis for planning and research, but will ultimately combine to form the literature review for the overall BALTA project.en
dc.description.abstractOne of the first steps in any research process is to undertake a thorough review of the existing literature in a particular area in order to understand the field of knowledge that is being drawn from and built upon. In addition to mapping the social economy in an organizational sense, it is also important from an academic point of view to “map” the existing literature in order to situate the contributions of BALTA within the broader social economy field. Based on the above, three parallel literature reviews will be conducted in each of the 3 SERC topic areas: 1. Social Enterprise in Human Services and Affordable Housing 2. Natural Resources, Local Development and Social Enterprise 3. Analysis, Evaluation and Infrastructure Developmenten
dc.description.sponsorshipBC-Alberta Social Economy Research Alliance (BALTA). In addition to BALTA, the project is supported by the Centre for Sustainable Community Development (CSCD) at Simon Fraser University.en
dc.subjectsocial economyen
dc.subjectaffordable housingen
dc.subjectsocial servicesen
dc.titleBALTA Project D1 - SERC Literature reviewsen

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