Browsing Dr. Collette Oseen by Subject "workplace"
Now showing items 1-4 of 4
(2008) 'The different next to the different': Worker Coops in Buenos Aires, women and men, and rethinking and redoing the role of the coordinator
(Engendering Leadership Conference, 2008-07-22) -
(2008) Rethinking Difference, Rethinking Deference
(Recma, the International Review of Social Economy at This web site offers a free access at 10 years of publication of the Revue internationale de l'économie sociale (paying access for the 2 last years of publication), with english abstracts. presents many links towards international organisations and research institutes of social economy., 2008)It’s impossible to understand how to organize cooperatively without focusing on ‘sexual difference’, the French philosopher Luce Irigaray’s category for what has not yet been thought within our ostensibly sexually indifferent ...