Now showing items 1-4 of 4

    • Communicating and interacting: An exploration of the changing roles of media in CALL/CMC 

      Hoven, Debra (Computer Assisted Language Instruction Consortium, 2006)
      The sites of learning and teaching using CALL are shifting from CD-based, LAN-based or stand-alone programs to the internet. As this change occurs, pedagogical approaches to using CALL are also shifting to forms which ...
    • Excellence in Teaching and Learning in Reusable Learning Objects 

      Cook, John; Bradley, Claire; Smith, Carl; Haynes, Richard; Holley, Debbie (2007-10-05)
      Our ongoing work at London Metropolitan University investigates effective ways to design learning environments that add mobile learning into blended higher education modules. Our approach is one of evolutionary, iterative ...
    • Facilitating Constructivist Learning Environments Using Mind Maps and Concept Maps as Advance Organizers 

      Melrose, Sherri (ournal for the Practical Application of Constructivist Theory in Education, 2013)
      Constructivist learning environments, where facilitators build on what learners already know, are grounded in instructional scaffolding. Advance organizers such as mind maps and concept maps are scaffolds that provide ...
    • Ubiquity and Reusability 

      Nix, Judy; Ericsson Education (2007-10-18)
      Ubiquity and reusability are key factors in driving the deployment of content. Up to now these elements have been challenges within mobile learning. However, with the advent of metadata structures, new technologies and ...

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