Now showing items 1-3 of 3

    • Agamben, Hegel, and the State of Exception 

      Kisner, Wendell (Cosmos and History: The Journal of Natural and Social Philosophy, 2007)
      In his account of the state of exception, Agamben repeatedly relies upon what Hegel would have called Wesenslogik or ‘transcendental thinking’. Because of this reliance, the state of exception appears in Agamben’s account ...
    • Fashion, Freedom, and Female Agency: Iranian Women’s Deconstruction of Identity in Citizen Journalism 

      Mannani, Manijeh (2013-07-09)
      For close to a century in Iran, the female body has been the site for authorities to assert and exercise their political and ideological control over half of the population. Our paper explores how women in the Islamic ...
    • Speaking For Freedom, Normalizing the Net 

      Smith, Jay (2012-01-24)
      An enduring perspective on the impact of digital technologies argues that these technologies can expand freedom and re-invigorate democracy. Yet, there has always been a contrary, more pessimistic perspective, that ...

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