Now showing items 1-20 of 29

    • Alberta : A Community Development Heritage Alternative 

      Pannekoek, Frits (ICOMOS Canada, 1996)
      Since 1980, twelve new heritage attractions have been constructed by the Province of Alberta with three new facilities opening since 1990 despite a major recession. All but the Royal Tyrrell Museum and its Field Station ...
    • The Anglican Church and the disintegration of Red River society, 1818-1870. 

      Pannekoek, Frits (McLellan and Stewart Limited, 1976)
      In 1821 Red River was desolate, destitute and barbarous. The uncompromising struggle of the Hudson's Bay Company and the North West Company for control of the British North American Fur trade bred ruthlessness and violence. ...
    • Canadian memory institutions and the digital revolution : the last five years 

      Pannekoek, Frits (1998)
      Three American companies carry 80 per cent of Internet traffic. America Online has a large financial interest in two of these companies. Today there are about 1.5 million connections to the Internet; by 2010 there will be ...
    • 'Corruption' at Moose 

      Pannekoek, Frits; Gillespie, Rob (The Beaver, 1979)
      On the cold, desolate, wind-swept shore of Hudson Bay, winters were long and there was nothing but brandy and talk to relieve the boredom of the endless ice and the interminable meals of salt geese and dried pease. Tempers ...
    • Cyberimperialisme et marginalisation des autochtones au Canada 

      Pannekoek, Frits (Institut National de la Recherche Scientifique INRS Urbanisation, Culture et Société, 2000)
      Les populations indigènes du Canada seraient-elles sujettes, comme les. autres populations du Canada, à un « cyberimpérialisme » insidieux, qui menace de dénaturer et de marginaliser leurs cultures, voire de les éliminer ...
    • Debating Metis Rights 

      Pannekoek, Frits (Literary Review of Canada, 1992-04)
      Thomas Flanagan usually manages to place himself at the centre of controversy whenever he writes about the Metis. While his work may often appear to be motivated by ideology rather than the persuasiveness of historical ...
    • The Fur Trade and Western Canadian Society, 1670-1870 

      Pannekoek, Frits (The Canadian Historical Association, 1987)
      The political, economic, and social history of present day Northwest Territories, Alberta, Saskatchewan, and Manitoba, was, for the first two hundred years of European contact, a product of the fur trade. At various posts ...
    • The Historiography of the Red River Settlement, 1830-1868 

      Pannekoek, Frits (Prairie Forum, 1981)
      In the many studies of the Red River Settlement written since 1856, the prime factors affecting the Settlement have been variously conceived as economic, geographic or political. In contrast to the traditional historical ...
    • History of the Canadian Metis : study guide 

      Pannekoek, Frits (Athabasca University, 1996)
      The political, economic, and social history of present-day Canada was, for the first three huhdred years after European contact, a product of the fisheries and the fur trade. Posts along the ocean shores and along the ...
    • Insidious Sources and the Historical Interpretation of the Pre-1870 West 

      Pannekoek, Frits (Canadian Plains Research Centre, 1991)
      There has been a noticeable absence of the Anglican church, or its documents, in the mainstream of Canadian historical writing on the pre-1870 west. This does not mean that the Church of England has not been the subject ...
    • Interpretation on the New Frontier:The Alberta Experience 

      Pannekoek, Frits (Alberta Museums Review, 1994)
      The author has provided a thought-provoking analysis of the origins and influences of the heritage interpretation field in Alberta. He explores the effect successive generations of immigrants have had on the culture of the ...
    • The Medicine Line and the Thin Red Line 

      Pannekoek, Frits (Montana, the Magazine of Western History, 1996)
      The Medicine Line, the name given by the Blackfoot to the Canadian-American border, reflects the "magic" that it imposes on certain people. How can similar peoples sharing the same continent be so different when divided ...
    • Metis Studies : The Development of a Field and New Directions 

      Pannekoek, Frits (University of Alberta Press, 2001)
      Until recently, sources for Mets studies have been few both for classroom use as well as academic reflection. Lately, there has been a virtual explosion of interest, although largely among non-Mets historians. Now this to ...
    • Nature and Culture: A New World Heritage Context 

      Dailoo, Shabnam Inanloo; Pannekoek, Frits (International Journal of Cultural Property, 2008)
      The understanding of the relationship between culture and nature as manifested in the UNESCO declarations and practices has changed over the last few years. The World Heritage Convention is continuing to evolve ...
    • Open Access and Public Policy 

      Pannekoek, Frits (2012-10-26)
      Governments are becoming increasingly aware of the power of open access and the power of the new technologies to liberate and massify learning. Three reactions are worth pondering: those of the learning industries, those ...
    • Open Access Publication 

      Pannekoek, Frits (2009-10-22)
      Publication models for scholarly monographs, featuring the pioneering work of Athabasca University Press, Canada’s first open access press. Dr. Frits Pannekoek, president of Athabasca University, will discuss the vision ...
    • Open Opportunity through Open Scholarship and Open Publication 

      Pannekoek, Frits (2010-10-19)
      Dr Frits Pannekoek is the President of Athabasca University and President of the International Council on Open and Distance Education. He is an advocate for the open distribution of scholarly works and has been the driving ...
    • Post Secondary Leadership and the OER Movement 

      Pannekoek, Frits (2011-10-27)
      ER provide both opportunity and anxiety to University Administrators. While they see possible savings, at the same time they see new expenditures without accompanying revenues. Little understanding exists by either ...
    • A Probe Into the Demographic Structure of Nineteenth Century Red River 

      Pannekoek, Frits (University of Alberta Press, 1976)
      To the casual observer in 1830 Red River appeared a picturesque rural backwater dotted with church steeples and numerous windmills. The impression would not have been inaccurate. By 1830 the settlement had recovered from ...
    • Protestant agricultural Zions for the western Indian 

      Pannekoek, Frits (Journal of the Canadian Church Historical Society, 1972-09)
      Three evangelical Protestant denominations, the Anglicans, Methodists and Presbyterians established missions in the Canadian West from 1820 to 1870. Their success was marginal, with no missionary achieving the ultimate ...

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