Now showing items 1-4 of 4

    • Alberta Social Economy Wind Projects Next Steps Strategy 

      MacArthur, Julie (2010-07-10)
      This is one of three reports arising from BALTA research project B6 - Prospects for Socializing the Green Economy: The Case of Renewable Energy. It builds upon the background research conducted for the other two papers and ...
    • BALTA Newsletter - Winter 2010 

      Wulff, Stuart; Jones, Jennifer Lee; Lewis, Mike; Soots, Lena K.; LePage, David; Kain, Jenny; Kristensen, Freya; Polak, Amanda; MacArthur, Julie; Keough, Noel; van Wyk, Ron; Connelly, Sean; Penfold, George; Elson, Peter R. (BC-Alberta Social Economy Research Alliance (BALTA), 2010-01)
      This is the newsletter of the of the BC-Alberta Social Economy Research Alliance (BALTA). It contains news about BALTA and social economy developments in Alberta and British Columbia, Canada.
    • Best Practices in Social Economy and Community Wind 

      MacArthur, Julie (2010-07-10)
      This is one of three reports arising from BALTA research project B6 - Prospects for Socializing the Green Economy: The Case of Renewable Energy. It examines the context for wind energy production and involvement by social ...
    • Status of Social Economy Provision of Wind Electric Energy in Alberta 

      MacArthur, Julie (2010-07-10)
      This is one of three reports arising from BALTA research project B6 - Prospects for Socializing the Green Economy: The Case of Renewable Energy. It examines the current status of involvement in wind power generation by ...

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