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Teaching and Learning Design
World Wide Web

A Heterogeneous Distributed Database System for Distance Education Networks

R. McGreal

There is great excitement among educators about the potential of the World Wide Web to carry instruction in distance education. In the selections that follow, the author suggests an approach that an organization carrying instruction on the Web can use to efficiently manage information (such as on courses, course design, and registration).

McGreal, R. 1995. "A Heterogeneous Distributed Database System for Distance Education Networks." The American Journal of Distance Education 9(1), pp. 27-43.

Reprinted by permission.

Distance education networks, some of which extend around the world, are presently being established in many different regions. Each has the challenge of ensuring that the students, teachers, researchers, and administrators using their networks have up-to-date, relevant information that they need to work and study: information regarding courses, planning and design resources, hardware and software use , library support, etc. The rapid development of the Internet, with its access to databases via search tools such as Gopher and the World Wide Web (WWW), has unlocked a storehouse of information for everyone. Distance education networks must facilitate efficient access to this immense wealth of stored data at a reasonable cost both to the network and to the users. With recent developments in database design, particularly in the introduction of new heterogeneous distributed database systems (HDDS), distance education networks can investigate the implementation of viable, user-friendly, cost-effective, and efficient database access systems.


The information relevant to learners, teachers, administrators, and others involved in a distance education network cannot, realistically, be placed on one database accessible through one database management system. By its very nature, a distance education network is dispersed geographically, and access must be distributed around the network. The network is designed to accommodate the needs and ambitions of myriad different users with data stored in different formats. Moreover, a primary goal of a distance education network should be open access for learners and searchers to databases distributed around the world. Users in many different fields are beginning to demand access to multiple databases with interoperability among heterogeneous operating systems and search software. These needs and expectations are part of a general shift towards more open computing environments (Hartman 1992).

Distance Education Networks

This paper addresses the database needs of a distance education network. The network is characterized by its mission to establish and maintain local learning centers in communities spread over a large region. The network also provides coordination and training services to several different teaching organizations of various levels. Presently, there are a number of such networks in Canada. Contact North in Northern Ontario, TETRA in Newfoundland, and TeleEducation NB in New Brunswick are prominent examples. The database needs are common to all these networks: all could profit by facilitating user access to globally distributed databases.

Databases for Education

Lanfranco and Utsumi (1993) offer three guiding principles for the design of global educational databases: 1) they should contain "complete" information across their domain; 2) they should support multiple instructional and research uses; and 3) they should accommodate a number of user interfaces. Understanding that any one database cannot contain all the information in a given domain, they suggest that a database system should be richly endowed with "flags" and "pointers" directing the users to other relevant databases.

A distributed database offers all users of a network access to the data from geographically dispersed sites. There is no one, precise definition of distributed databases. Fullerton (1993, 1) defines they as systems "which utilize multiple locations interconnected with a communications system such that a user can access data anywhere in the network." Gillenson (1990) describes distributed databases are arrangements by which data at different sites can be made accessible to programs or users at other nodes on the network. Morse (1992, 74) describes them more directly as "any database arrangement that forces the user to gain access to two or more databases."

In a distance education network, new teachers might need to know what research is available on teaching their subject at a distance. They would also need to know which sites are on the network and the state of the support and the equipment available at the different sites. Other useful information might include a list of similar courses that are being or have been delivered on the network and elsewhere. Often, information about the types and availability of bibliographic and library materials I also needed. Not all of these databases currently exist, and those that do would need to be accessed independently by the user. Each would probably require a specific access technique involving a different language.

Students and researchers on the network should not be limited to the resources of any one site. Government resources, university archives, and libraries must be made available through standard protocols. Lanfranco and Utsumi (1993) point out that it is almost impossible to anyone to keep track of all the databases and information services available, that no single organization could afford to either pay for or store this information, and that it is more efficient to provide an access window to the different sites where the data is stored. They further note that users are increasingly better equipped to search for information on line. New Graphical User Interfaces (GUI) such as those in the Internet applications Netscape, Mosaic, or Lynx are making this process easier. Through these interfaces, users can access a variety of different search engines.

An advanced database system would have the following characteristics:

  • Universal access by all network users from any computer connected by modem
  • An extended browse feature that would allow users to navigate easily through the different databases
  • An interface that makes connections easily and allows users to merge different databases and combine information from different databases transparently
  • Graphics, software, and text files that are readily accessible, and the capability for system upgrading
  • The capability of searching, creating, modifying, and deleting data efficiently using call-up procedures in other systems, while protecting the integrity of the system
  • The ability to protect the data from unauthorized access as well as from inadvertent and malicious damage
  • System management that is not overly complex.

Ideally, these features are possible on a HDDS. This system would provide different applications with the ability to access and manipulate multiple information systems through a uniform interface. The system would analyze a query, identify an appropriate database, and issue a response. The steps in the process by which the system accessed the information and retrieved it would need to be transparent to the users. A new generation of these "intelligent" heterogeneous distributed databases that handle data, knowledge, and objects is now becoming viable (Gupta 1989; Kellog 1990; Ahmed et al. 1991). Systems like Pegasus (Ahmed et al. 1991), developed by Hewlett-Packard, and INGRES (Ingres Corporation 1993) can be implemented to provide gateway access to information on diverse databases. Standards like FLIP-the Fast Local Internet Protocol (Kaashoek et at. 1993)-and the library ANSI Z39.50 standard for interconnecting information retrieval systems (Report on Replacement, 1993) are being adopted to promote global access. In addition, World Wide Web and Gopher sites on the Internet, conforming to widely-accepted protocols, are being created at a rapid rate.

A Scenario for Distance Education

Sudha Ram's scenario can be adapted for application to a distance education network. Her model is particularly appropriate for a network that implements an on-line environment that includes a distributed e-mail and computer conferencing system. This component would be one part of a teleconferencing network that would allow access by all users to network, institutional, library, government, and other databases.

A distributed database for distance education should include at lease eight autonomous databases, some which may already exist, others which must be created for the network. The first seven of these database categories have been adapted from those developed by Sudha Ram (1991); in the following descriptions, the appropriate application category for distance education is followed by Sudha Ram's original category designation. Category eight, Libraries, has been added to reflect the importance of access to libraries by students and teachers.

Course Calendar (Design) comprises those databases listing all courses available tin the participating educational institutions of the region served, including external courses that can be received within the network region from anywhere in the world. This database would be a collection of databases from many different institutions.

Course Design and Scheduling (Process Planning) in distance education would include databases with information on instructional design and research as well as the scheduling of courses. Data would be available on various approaches and techniques-modularization,sequencing, spiraling, instructional systems, etc.-as well as on relevant research studies. More importantly, this database would include the course and other activities being delivered on the network and outside course accessible to those in the region.

Registration (Resource Planning) of students on line allows teachers and administrators access to information on students as they enter the system. Additional information of benefit to students-such as legal requirements and scholarship, loan, and grant details-should also be included.

Courses in Progress (Work in Process) would include databases used by educators and students in the delivery of courses. Gopher and WWW sites are now being used for numerous and varied educational activities. Some are specifically designed for educational applications; others are designed for other uses, but are available to students and teachers.

Equipment Inventory (Tooling) refers to a database of the types, location, and status of the equipment and software available to teachers., course designers, and others. The inventory would identify both general materials for use by teachers and students and more specialized equipment required for the creation of distance education instructional materials.

Media (Machine) documents classes and examples of systems and their locations and usage. Such a database for distance education might include the different media presently being used to deliver programming: print, audio, audiographics, video teleconferencing, computer-mediated communications (CMC), correspondence, multimedia, etc.

Academic Records (Finished Products) would be a database of courses completed by students via distance education or other means, and a confidential database on their backgrounds, grades, and attitudes. The attitudes of the teachers, administrators, operators, site coordinators, schedulers, and others involved also could be measured and placed in a database to provide data for evaluation and further research.

Libraries database would comprise the catalogues of the principal libraries in the region and access to other catalogues around the world. This database should be supported by rapid electronic and physical delivery systems and should have specific pointers toward career guidance, counseling, and other student support information.

The databases for registration, equipment, media, and academic records will be maintained in secure, private networks, accessible only to authorized personnel. Other databases must be made publicly accessible. Established examples of the above databases abound; increasingly, course calendars, course design information, research, courses in progress and library databases and available on line, and many are available in a World Wide Web format (see Table 1 and 2).

Table 1. Distance Education World Wide Web Sites and Universal Resource Locators (URL)

Athena University (formerly Virtual Online University)

COL (Commonwealth of Learning)

Distance Education Links

DELTA (Distributed Electronic Telecommunications)

Dr. E's Eclectic Compendium of Electronic Resources for Adult/Distance Education

EADTU/OUN (European Association of Distance Teaching Universities/Open University of the Netherlands)

Edith Cowan University Virtual Campus (ECU) Australia

Globewide Network Academy

ICDL (International Centre for Distance Learning)

Mind Extension University (MEU)

National Distance Learning Center

Nova Southeastern University

Open University (UK)

*TeleEducation NB

World Lecture Hall

*Note: The TeleEducation NB WWW site has a pointer to all of the above sites and others.


Table 2. General Education World Wide Web Sites and Universal Resource Locators (URL)

AskERIC Virtual Library


URL OR/francais

WWW Virtual Library

University of Wyoming CLIP ART

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