Now showing items 1-5 of 5
Space Physics: Aurora Borealis
Cluster data was used to examine the magnetospheric boundary and more particularly the tail. Harris sheet fits were done in a dynamic fashion that allows flapping to be quantified.
Athabasca Winter Workshop Enrollment
2007 Athabasca Winter Workshop info + form
Simultaneous ground and satellite observations of an isolated proton arc at subauroral latitudes
(Journal of Geophysical Research, 2007)
We observed an isolated proton arc at the Athabasca station MLAT: 62◦N) in Canada on 5 September, 2005, using a ground-based allsky
imager at wavelengths of 557.7 nm, 630.0 nm, and 486.1 nm (Hβ). This arc is similar to ...
Time Evolution of the Substorm Current Wedge from Ground and Space-based Magnetic Fields
Over the past several years, intensive efforts have resulted in a significant
improvement in the ground instrumentation for auroral studies in North America. A
major part of this is due to the THEMIS ground program, both ...
Athabasca University Initiatives Supporting THEMIS
Since the installation of a UCLA ‘small’ magnetometer in 1998, Athabasca University has made great strides in installing infrastructure in Canada for space science, culminating with the recent expansion of Athabasca ...