Now showing items 1-10 of 35
Local Residents Voice Concerns About Pulp Mill
(Athabasca Advocate, 1988-08-08)
The scent glands of Opiliones: a review of their function.
(Smithsonian Institution Press, 1986)
Opilionids are unique among the arachnids in that
they possess a pair of glands that open dorsally near
the lateral edge of the prosoma. These glands are
variously called scent, odoriferous, repugnatory, or
stink glands ...
Letters to the editor: A Pulp Mill For Athabasca?
(Athabasca Advertiser, 1988-08-08)
Forest Tent Caterpillar … information and options
(The Echo, 1986-07-01)
Pulp and Paper Mill References
(Friends of the Athabasca Environmental Association, 1989-02-26)
This is an annotated list of books and other materials related to the
development and operation of pulp and paper mills in the Athabasca
River basin. The purpose of the list is to encourage members of the
public to learn ...
Selective predation in a euryphagous invertebrate predator, Pardosa vancouveri (Arachnida, Araneae)
(Canadian Entomologist, 1982)
Selective predation (i.e., non-random feeding) was studied in a laboratory system
that allowed individual lycosid spiders, Pardosa vancouveri, to feed on prey
populations consisting of one or two kinds of insects. Various ...
Laboratory work in distance education
(Distance Education, 1982)
A major concern in distance education is how to overcome the problems
associated with laboratory components of courses. In this paper we
review the general importance of laboratory work for students, summarise
the ...
Relating feeding rates to sex and size in six species of grasshoppers (Orthoptera: Acrididae).
(Canadian Entomologist, 1984)
Nymphs and adults of both sexes of six species of grasshoppers. Camnula pellucida,
Dissosleira carolina, Melanoplus infantilis. M. sanguinipes, M. packardii and M. bivillalus,
were fed wheat seedlings to determine daily ...
Overwintering aggregations of Leiobunum paessleri in caves and mines (Arachnida, Opiliones).
(Journal of Arachnology, 1984)
In the forested mountain areas of southwestern Canada, Leiobunull1 paessleri (Roewer) form
overwintering aggregations in the twilight regions of moist caves and mines. Each aggregation consists
of adults of both sexes ...
A blind Homolophus biceps (Arachnida, Opiliones)
(Entomological News, 1983)
Scanning electron microscopy of a harvestman, Homolophus biceps. that
lacked both eyes and ocular tubercle revealed no indication of external damage or healing.
Internally, light microscope sections showed no evidence ...