Now showing items 1-10 of 14
Project C4 - Preliminary Profile of the Size and Scope of the Social Economy in Alberta and British Columbia
The purpose of project is to identify, review and analyze existing data with the objective of developing a preliminary profile of the Social Economy within Alberta and British Columbia. The profile will be comprised of ...
Project C9-2007 - CED and Social Economy Policy Inventory in B.C. and Alberta (Phase One)
The work on policy outlined in this annex is conceived of as a first phase in an ongoing project that will extend beyond one year. In developing and implementing an inventory of federal and provincial legislation, policies, ...
BALTA Project C17 - Building a Supportive Environment for Social Enterprise: Synthesis of SERC 3 Research Findings
This proposal/plan describes research being conducted by the BC-Alberta Social Economy Research Alliance (BALTA). This project involves analyzing a range of research projects conducted by BALTA with a view to identifying ...
BALTA Newsletter - Spring 2011
This is the newsletter of the of the BC-Alberta Social Economy Research Alliance (BALTA). It contains news about BALTA and social economy developments in Alberta and British Columbia, Canada.
Sustainable Infrastructure for the Social Economy: Cluster-based Social Enterprise Models
The social economy is a mosaic of organizations, from credit unions and co-operatives to social enterprises and non-profit organizations. Many non-profit organizations and social enterprises work on shoestring budgets and ...
Preliminary Profile of the Size and Scope of the Social Economy in Alberta and British Columbia
Using existing data, mainly of a statistical nature, this report provides a preliminary profile of the social economy and social economy organizations in the two Canadian provinces of Alberta and British Columbia. Aggregate ...
BALTA Project C4 - Preliminary Profile of the Size and Scope of the Social Economy in Alberta and British Columbia
This project proposal/plan describes research undertaken on behalf of the BC-Alberta Social Economy Research Alliance (BALTA) to develop a preliminary profile of the social economy in Alberta and British Columbia, Canada, ...
BALTA Project C9 - CED and Social Economy Policy Inventory in B.C. and Alberta
This project proposal/plan outlines a research project of the BC-Alberta Social Economy Research Alliance (BALTA). The research will involve conducting an inventory of federal and provincial legislation (in Canada and the ...
CED and Social Economy Policy Inventory in B.C. and Alberta (Phase I)
This presentation addresses the aims and initial results from BALTA's Research Project C9. Objectives of this project are: To conduct an inventory of federal and provincial legislation, policies, programs and initiatives ...
Building a Supportive Environment for Social Enterprise
This presentation to the 2009 symposium of the BC-Alberta Social Economy Research Alliance (BALTA) reports on the results of a synthesis (Project C17) of various BALTA research projects examining their potential to contribute ...