header home + map title - TABLE OF CONTENTS wheel Welcome to TeleEducation NB! Course Preparation Critical Path of Reservation Process Administrator`s Checklist Instructor`s Checklist Technical Checklist Acknowledgement & Copyright Appendix A: Guidelines for Users Appendix B: Request for Network Use Form Appendix C: TeleEducation NB Staff bullet ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *Welcome to TeleEducation NB!* Congratulations! You have taken a first step towards distance education. To help you take full advantage of our services, we suggest that you refer to the critical path of the network reservation process, checklists for administrators and instructors as well as the technical checklist. These should help make your experience with distance education a rewarding one. This guide, intended for all new users, has been developed to assist you in planning for the use of the audiographics network, starting with the request for network use process up to the start-up of the course. Items to consider, major milestones and recommended timeframes are proposed to help you in your planning process. Following these should allow sufficient time and coordination of all activities necessary for the effective use of the audiographic system. This guide also contains guidelines for network use, a request form as well as a list of TeleEducation NB employees. This guide is designed as a dynamic document to which you can contribute by submitting your suggestions for future improvements. For additional information, please refer to the Instructor?s Manual. It contains a variety of useful tips to help you design, develop and give your telecourse. To obtain a hard copy of the Instructor?s Manual , please contact the facilitator assigned to your area or visit the following Internet site: http://teleeducation.nb.ca top <#TOP> next page ------------------------------------------------------------------------ TeleEducation NB TeleEducation NB Department of Education P.O. Box 6000 Fredericton, NB, E3B 5H1 pr@teleeducation.nb.ca http://teleeducation.nb.ca TeleEducation NB © Copyright 1999 - New Brunswick Distance Education Network Inc.