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dc.contributor.authorElliott, Colin
dc.identifier.other1st International M-Libraries Conference in Milton Keynes, UK, November 13-14, 2007
dc.descriptionThis conference was the first m-library conference and was a very good experience. Different presentations showed many different uses and potential uses of mobile technology in libraries. We also had an opportunity to take part in some interesting mini workshops. Lastly, I introduced one presentation and co-presented the presentation listed above. The most interesting mini-workshop that I attended was about the Open University’s digilab. This is a place where faculty can go and try new technologies. This includes mobile phones, pdas and ipods. But the digilab does much more than this, faculty are able to use different gaming machines (Xbox, Wii etc) as well as explore virtual environments such as Second Life. There is also a podcasting station to do video and audio podcasting. The digilab is an easy way for faculty to engage with new technologies in a relaxed environment and without any cost. It is important in an educational setting because the technology that students are using moves so quickly that it is difficult for faculty to keep up and they may not have the time/money/opportunity to test new technologies and evaluate potential impact on education. The presentation that I co-presented with Tony Tin on Nov. 14 focused on how libraries can be important to helping an institution adopt mobile technologies. The AU library has taken part in two successful projects and these were presented as case studies. The presentation was well received and we gave away all of the information DVDs that we took with us and had many requests for more (which we have subsequently sent). Our presentation received very good feedback, especially because these were projects that have been successfully completed. Many libraries seem keen to try to replicate the success of our projects. Our presentations and the conference were both success. I was able to learn a great deal about the future of mobile libraries as well as contribute to future development.en
dc.description.abstractMobile-Literacy: training faculty to use mobile devices for online learning Online learning is a well established pedagogical practice in Canada. Athabasca University, Canada’s Open University, with its reputation in innovative strategies in education, is taking it one step further in incorporating mobile learning – using portable devices to access interactive course materials and library resources. We define mobile-literacy as a set of skills required to recognize when the employment of mobile devices to access information is needed and how to retrieve, utilize, manipulate and process information effectively with mobile technology. Currently, there is a knowledge gap between the “net generation” and the faculty who support their learning activities online. All in all, faculty are lagging behind in terms of understanding and using mobile technologies: how they work, the capabilities and limitations, how to incorporate these devices in e-learning, and to understand how students use mobile devices as part of their everyday life. This presentation aims to describe the mobile-literacy faculty training developed in partnership with the University library and the steps we took to ensure faculty are competent in deploying mobile technology for online teaching and learning. The range of activities we developed include training sessions with simulation, hands-on exercises, technology integration with curriculum, integration with the University’s LMS (i.e. Moodle), and the application of custom-built mobile resources. In addition, the speakers will discuss some of the challenges associated with such initiatives. Issues such as costs, interface design on Small screen, lack of mobile standard, accessibility and usability problems, and technical support. The speakers also will share some of their insights on evaluating the impacts of mobile and ubiquitous computing on library service development.en
dc.description.sponsorshipAcademic & Professional Development Fund (A&PDF)en
dc.subjectmovile devices for online learningen
dc.titleMobile-Literacy: Training Faculty to Use Mobile Devices for Online Learningen

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